Hier seine Ankündigung im Originalwortlaut:
As you look over the city wall at the distant mountains and forests, so peaceful yesterday, you find that the long expected onslaught is here.
The Barbarians are coming! If you want to save your civilisation, you'll now have to deploy your trusty Psion Series 5, Series 5mx or Ericsson MC218, your worthy little Oregon Scientific Osaris, Psion Revo, Revo Plus or Diamond Mako, your dependable Psion Series 7 or netBook, or your rare and precious Geofox One, and use it to command your twelve competent generals and your countless armies in resistance to the advancing horde.
Barbarians is a game of strategy for one player, running on Psion handheld computers. You take the lead of a civilised league of twelve cities at the very time the barbarians are entering the land. Your task is to raise armies and send them against the advancing hordes, and you will not rest until every last one is wiped out. While this is going on, you have to manage your empire's economy.
Originally written for the Psion Organiser II, this game was ported to the Series 3 and other EPOC16 machines before being released for EPOC32.
Game play is exactly the same on all machines, and the simple but fun game play imposed by the Organiser II still seems ideal for an entertaining diversion on the more advanced machines. But graphics and sound have been upgraded, and with each battle you can now watch your armies fight in an optional battle scene.
Visit the web site, see the screen shots, download the version for your machine, and enjoy this little game over the Christmas period!
Die liebevoll gestaltete Programmseite auf Damians Homepage bietet zahlreiche Screenshots und eine ausführliche Geschichte, die einen guten ersten Eindruck verschafft.
Viel Spaß damit zu Weihnachten - und natürlich danach - sowie frohe Festtage wünscht euch Eure P|S|I|O|N|W|E|L|T!
Freeware (mit OPL-Sourcecode)
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