Hier Damians Ankündigung im Originalwortlaut:
That's right, the Brigands are coming! In this forthcoming EPOC32 release, the kingdom of Larmin is threatened by the presence of bands of brigands hiding in the forest, ready to pounce on unwary travellers as they pass by. The old, weak king needs someone to lead a militia to rid the kingdom of this nuisance. Someone like YOU!
The game is in the beta test stage right now with a release intended before the end of the year. If you want to help, then please get in touch with us using the email address on the front page, or through facebook or Twitter pages. The game runs on ALL machines with EPOC 32, as well as the "emulator" on Windows.
Updates will be posted on Facebook, Twitter, and the game's own web site - see the new icon under the search box or click:
Die liebevoll gestaltete Programmseite auf Damians Homepage bietet zahlreiche Screenshots und eine ausführliche Geschichte, die einen guten ersten Eindruck verschafft.
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